
Immersion & Progress

Designing an adventure game has a lot of overlapping layers. Graphics has to blend with mechanics and mechanics has to blend with storytelling. Add audio design, cut scenes and other things on top of that and after mixing everything up you have to keep the pacing of whole overall thing in mind at all times. In middle of all the producing, implementation and rework you might loose the track of whole. To help with that side there's some paperwork. You keep tracking what's going on in overall work in between tweaking all the little parts and keep track of that in numerous little design documents and "to do" lists. Or at least that's what helps me with the work. And everything is soon followed by testing and tweaking, but lets not talk about that since we're not there yet. 

But no matter what part of the Bunker I am working I am always enjoying myself. I always find out that no matter how much work or plain grind something might be in the end it's worth it. There's an odd moment between adding graphics to the game and adding functionality/mechanics to it. When you have added the visual side but not mechanics it's just a picture, but once you add things like depth (which of the room's items are drawn in front of character, etc.) the room magically comes alive. The immersion kicks in, my character is really walking in that room. He becomes real or at least the illusion of real is now apparent. I'd imagine the same happens with each layer added. Once game starts to get some audio, interaction within the game world is enhanced. Same goes with well written dialog, character is merely an empty hull without dialog. 

New phases on development are approaching, slow but steadily. So how far em I?

81% Done toward first beta

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